Kaycee Projects Limited

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About Kaycee Projects Limited

Kaycee Projects has been operating since 1994. It is a consultancy company specialising in bespoke solutions relating to business strategy and performance; people, leadership and culture; conflict resolution and mediation It offers consultancy, research, training, coaching and facilitation services. Part-time executive leasing is undertaken on a case-by-case basis.

Client Charter

Kaycee Projects expresses its client commitments through a client charter. Contact us for an obligation-free discussion of services that could help you and your business.

Kristen Cooper

Managing Director, Kristen Cooper has over twenty-five years experience in middle and senior management positions in the fields of planning, human resource management, marketing, training and consultancy. She had a quick trajectory into the world of management: At the age of 20 she was leading sessions in tertiary education in management and marketing topics, at 21 she was the first female to join the ranks of middle management in a banking organisation, and by the time she was 28 she was the only woman in a senior executive team of four. Both line management and consulting captured Kris' imagination and she has led successful projects across many industries, including education; councils; finance; technology; meat and food processing; retail; travel, transport and aviation; agriculture; professional services; art and cultural heritage; health; science; sport and professional rugby; emergency services, police, justice and family court; community services; parliament; energy; infrastructure. These days, with more line management and consulting roles under her belt, Kris' passion is helping people manage well, and recognise and realise their leadership and career potential.

Domiciled in Invercargill, Wellington and now Canterbury, consulting work undertaken by Kris has included:

  • Leadership development

  • Coaching, supervision and mentoring

  • Mediation and conflict resolution

  • Drafting and editing strategy documents and plans

  • Strategy and planning facilitation for strategic and operational plans

  • Managing the establishment of a business in Christchurch on behalf of the head office

  • Project managing the Paradigm Shift change project at the Christchurch Art Gallery

  • Executive leasing in HR, OD (organisation development) and general management roles

  • Delivering leadership, strategy and people sessions on the University of Otago's Executive Education programmes and their MBA

  • Lecturing and coordinating HR and people performance papers for University of Canterbury MBA and honors students, including supervising MBA projects

  • Managing organisational training and performance management systems

  • Workplace culture and team audits; organisation, department and workplace reviews

  • Human resource management audits

  • Developing human resource management policies and manuals

  • Preparing employment contracts and agreements

  • Reviewing and designing human resource development systems, such as structured selection interviews, performance appraisal and training systems; job analysis

  • Designing health and safety hazard management systems, and facilitation/ training in their use

  • Preparing quality manual documents

  • Conducting focus groups with staff and clients' customers

  • Conducting market and company research, including telephone and mail surveys, focus groups and in-house surveys and research projects

  • Preparing marketing and promotion plans

  • Conducting feasibility studies

  • Writing board proposals and papers

Kris enjoys helping individuals and organisations boost their performance and  reach their potential.


  • Various articles and book reviews written for Employment Today, HR Magazine and Safeguard on a variety of workplace topics.

  • Book chapter: "The Business of HRM" in Human Resource Management in the Workplace by Jane Bryson and Rose Ryan, published by Pearson in 2012.

  • As Chair of the Research and Publications Committee of HRINZ (2004-2009), responsible for the online Journal of Human Resource Management of New Zealand and selection of a new editor who rejuvenated the publication. (www.nzjhrm.co.nz)

Qualifications and Memberships

  • Bachelor of Commerce (major: Manpower Studies - these days known as 'Management')

  • Post Graduate Certificate in Business and Administration (Marketing)

  • Master of Commerce (thesis topic: 'Does CEO leadership style impact on adoption of the marketing concept?' - or strategy adoption)

  • Trained adult tutor

  • Accredited by LEADR as a mediator for alternative disputes resolution processes

  • Bronze level Kirkpatrick Certification

  • Member of Neuroleadership Institute

  • Member of NZIM

  • Member of the NZ Institute of Directors

  • Fellow of HRINZ, where she served as National President for two years, which involved representing NZ people practices in the international setting.

Working Relationships

Kaycee Projects partners with other consultancies and individuals to deliver large projects. We work with fully qualified professionals who are experienced in their own areas of expertise.

Reflections on Achievements

Kris reflects, "I was fortunate to have managers and colleagues who believed in me and gave me amazing career opportunities from a very young age. I didn't realise how special those opportunities were at the time, and am immensely grateful to my early mentors.

"I count my time as an elected Director of HRINZ very highly, too. Membership organisations add significant value for professionals, and it is a humbling experience to be elected into positions by your peers. I was involved with many different projects and roles, all of which I found interesting and fulfilling. When I was elected National President, I remember being asked by the writer of an article for Employment Today what my legacy would be. I think I gave some vague answer about every National President finding the right thing for the time of the Institute as their gift. As it happened, during my time in the role, I initiated and led a change in the governance structure of the Institute. I had the support of the Directors and we worked through a substantial consultation process with members and the incumbent Directors to reduce the Board size from 22 (and growing) to 8. That provides a much more efficient, effective and commercially focused opportunity for future National Presidents / Board Chairs to make their mark for membership benefit, as well as to continue to evolve the governance needs.

"These days my work sees me involved with many like-minded professionals in the leadership development space, and I am invigorated by both the collaborations and the inspiring work the leaders do to develop their own skills, teams and workplaces. It's simply fabulous to get together with programme and coaching participants to hear about their successes and the learnings from the setbacks. I also get a regular "itch" to practice what I preach and I am lucky enough to have had several part-time executive lease roles in recent years. It helps me keep my practical skills current, and I think it adds value in the consulting, training, education, coaching and facilitation roles, too.

"In all roles I undertake, it's important to me to leave organisations and individuals in a better space than before we met. Most of the time it feels like that's exactly what happens. It's wonderful to love what you do for a living."