Consultancy, Training, Coaching and Facilitation



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Kaycee Projects helps organisations by offering assistance at any stage of the training and development system - learning needs analysis, training itself, and evaluation of organisational training and development efforts.

Learning Needs Analysis

To ensure training and development programmes are designed to meet organisational and individual needs, it is vital to assess learning needs. After all, training may not be the best solution.

Undoubtedly, the cost effectiveness of training is improved when it is carried out to meet pre-determined learning needs. Learning needs analysis (LNA) also helps organisations with succession planning, and individuals with career planning.

There are several ways through which learning needs can be identified: performance appraisal, organisational changes in work, personnel changes, market changes, alterations in the operating environment, technological and technical skill advances.

Kaycee Projects provides a variety of LNA services:

  • Advice on how to go about LNA, and the systems and methods that would be best for the organisation.

  • Design of LNA forms which investigate learnning needs and can be used by the organisation itself. In addition, Kaycee Projects can advise on collection methods, assist with data collection, compile LNA results and suggest a training plan. You determine the level of assistance you want.

  • Occupational analysis services, the results of which act as a useful starting point for assessing learning needs.

Occupational analysis works by identifying the skills a competent person needs to carry out the job requirements. Once those skills have been identified, the incumbent''s skills can be assessed and the "learning gap" identified. Occupational analysis is a very useful tool for the development of competency-based systems in an organisation. In addition to training uses, and for the development of competency-based systems, occupational analysis can be used for:

  • Job Descriptions

  • Performance Appraisal

  • Personnel Selection, and Succession Planning

  • Planned Occupational Mobility

  • Developing Multi-Skilling Programmes

  • Implementing "Pay for Skills" Systems.

Tailored Training and Development Programmes

To get the best value for the training dollar, courses and programmes need to be tailored to the specific needs of the organisation. This is why Kaycee Projects specialises in providing tailored, customer-focused training solutions.

Courses can be developed to meet the needs of front-line staff and managers, as well as more senior managers in your organisation. The topics covered in the courses are tailored to specific needs, and input is typically required from your management to ensure learning tools are well targeted.

The learning philosophy is founded in motivational premises. People will learn if they see some personal benefit from doing so. People learn best from doing, so exercises encourage development of practical skills. Courses provide for goal setting, practice, feedback and planning to ensure use of the skills back in the workplace. Variety, input and action are key features of all programmes.

While course content is tailored to organisational need, the following list shows the sorts of topics that Kaycee Projects has experience in providing training solutions:

  • Business and Strategic Planning

  • Change Management

  • Coaching and Mentoring

  • Conflict Management

  • Customer Service

  • Delegation

  • Discipline

  • Employer Responsibilities Under Employment Legislation

  • Effective Customer Service

  • Grievances

  • Health and Safety

  • Interviewing (including structured interviewing)

  • Leadership (and its several components)

  • Making Meetings Effective

  • Managing Difficult People

  • Marketing

  • Motivation and Improving Performance

  • Negotiation

  • Orientation and Induction

  • Performance Management and Appraisal

  • Problem Solving and Decision Making

  • Improving Productivity

  • Public Relations

  • Public Speaking

  • Recruitment and Selection

  • Report Writing (and other written communication)

  • Role of Supervisors/Managers

  • Selling Skills - Introductory and More Advanced

  • Strategy

  • Team Building

  • Telephone Skills

  • Time and Stress Management

  • Training and Development

  • Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication

Evaluation of Training and Development Programmes

Kaycee Projects can assist organisations with evaluating training and development programmes using the four levels proposed by the Kirkpatrick model. This includes evaluation of participants' reaction to learning opportunities (level 1), the degree of learning achieved (level 2), to what degree participants apply what they have learned in their work via behaviour differences (level 3), and to what degree targeted outcomes and organisational results eventuate (level 4). Kris Cooper has bronze certification in the Kirkpatrick model.


Kaycee Projects coaching areas of focus are:

  • Executive coaching (leadership and management)

  • Professional coaching: HR, training/education, management, leadership

Services are based on mutual trust, respect, and freedom of expression. The sessions are confidential and tailored to individual need. Each leadership coaching assignment offers focus, purpose and specific learning content, all of which are mutually agreed with the client in accordance with their own development plan. Various tools and methods are employed to suit the particular situation. They draw heavily on goal, humanistic and strengths-based approaches to individual development. Diagnostic tools may be deployed on a case-by-case basis.

Kris also offers mentoring and supervision services. These, too, are based on mutual trust, respect, and freedom of expression. The client drives the agenda of each session. With all of coaching, mentoring and supervision services, clients are encouraged to put into practice new skills and ideas after each session, ready to debrief on successes and setbacks at the next session.

During her career, Kris has coached hundreds of people in many different situations, with roles ranging from CEOs to specialist staff members. Given the demanding and important role of coaching, mentoring and supervision, Kaycee Projects will take on a limited number of such clients at any one time. She looks forward to hearing from you and finding out how she can help you realise your career potential.


Facilitation involves bringing a group together for a common task, asking appropriate questions and helping with appropriate connections in order to achieve a desirable outcome, given the objective and the group's perspective.

A facilitator's job is to focus effort and to make it easy for a group to make progress, reach a consensus, find a solution.

An external facilitator is especially useful for organisations or groups wanting to work through complex issues to achieve a desirable end result, having benefited from the equal input of all attendees. Kaycee Projects is experienced in offering facilitation services when organisations want the input of all team members, when the chief executive does not want to be looked upon for all the solutions, and when it is beneficial to have everyone contributing to the session rather than "sacrificing" a participant to the facilitator role.

Facilitation is useful for topics such as:

  • Strategic and Operational Planning

  • Contract / Agreement Development

  • Learning Needs Analysis

  • Management System Development

  • Change Management

For instance, Kaycee Projects helps organisations establish business plans by facilitating the development of a vision and/or mission statement, values and long-term goals. Many organisations already have these, and Kaycee Projects can help with developing annual organisational objectives that are consistent with the business plan, as well as help departments or branches formulate strategically consistent plans.

To help businesses with systems development, Kaycee Projects drafts business systems and processes (not IT systems), and in facilitation mode, obtains feedback from various client groups within the organisation. Then the optimal systems and procedures to be used can be finalised.

Experienced in a variety of facilitation techniques, businesses can select the method that best suits their needs and organisational culture.

Diagnostic Tools

Kristen Cooper is certified to provide:

  • Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
    This tool measures psychological preferences in how people take in information, relate to the world around them and make decisions. The information enhances self-awareness about motivations, natural strengths and areas for development. This is an easy to relate to interpretation of Carl Jung's theory of psychological types. It is ideal for leadership and team development.

  • Fundamental Interpersonal Relationship Orientation - Behaviour (FIRO-B) and FIRO - Business
    This tool measures behaviour that derives from interpersonal needs. It is helpful for building self-awareness involving one-to-one relationships, team work, career development, organisational culture and leadership development. The FIRO tools are based on William Schutz's work to help individuals and teams improve interpersonal effectiveness and satisfaction working and relating with others. They are ideal for leadership and team development.

  • Hogan Personality Instruments
    These tools include the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) - a measure of normal personality, based on the 'big five' personality dimensions (surgency, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to experience); the Hogan Development Survey (HDS) - a measure of career-derailing tendencies, including patterns of behaviour that impede work relationships, hamper productivity, or limit career potential; and the Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI) - a measure of core values that are key to work and life satisfaction. The tools consider individual identity and reputation, and are based on the research work of psychologists Robert and Joyce Hogan. They are useful for selection processes and leadership development.

  • SHL / CEB instruments
    Kris is also accredited to offer a variety of the tools SHL /CEB offer for selection and development, including ability tests and the popular Occupational Personality Questionnaire.

  • 360-Degree Feedback
    Kris has also designed and coordinated tailored 360-degree feedback instruments. All instruments draw on researched models, and offer respondent confidentiality, with personal report, debrief and development planning with the individual who is requesting feedback. Kris runs feedback sessions on the Kouzes and Posner 360-Degree Leadership tool for the University of Otago Executive Education programmes, and uses The Leadership Circle suite for coaching and leadership team development.

Client Comments

“I feel I have been very fortunate to have Kristen working alongside me because her methodical and refreshing approach allowed us to undertake a number of tasks which brought about change much earlier than I would have expected.”

“Your enthusiasm for the task has made some difficult times much easier for me and the Management Team.”

“The time and professionalism you gave to this review was much appreciated.”

“We warmly commend Kristen as an honest and thoroughly reliable person.”

“This training is so very valuable to us and I thank you for your professionalism and upbeat delivery style throughout the year.”


From a training organiser leaving the organisation:

“You very quickly established a professional relationship with a lot of personal warmth and openness… Given that your specific area for us is Sales, … I had a great deal of trust in you. Partly this was due to your professionalism, but it was also because of the very positive feedback I had received, and have continued to receive, about your delivery and the content of your programmes. This has been from participants on courses you’ve run, as well as their Managers…. In particular you have helped [our] … staff become commercially positive, a critical Corporate principle for us, without being ‘hard sell’.  And this is that’s been most frequently remarked upon. You have taken ‘selling’ and promoting our products and services, from being scary and hard sell for our staff, to being easy and comfortable for them. Thank-you Kris. It has been a pleasure working with you. I hope that we may be able to do so again in the future.” 

“Kristen was an extremely clear and competent facilitator. I really enjoyed her presentation.”

“I have learnt many new and important concepts, which I believe will be of value.”

“Never boring, excellent delivery by Kris, completely professional.”

“[The handouts are] an excellent tool to use again and again.”

“Kris was great, entertaining and very knowledgeable.”

“Kris was very professional and spoke with great knowledge. Open to comments and supportive.”

“Your effort and time in preparing this course has been much appreciated and will definitely be of use. Fabulous course. Thanks heaps.”

“Kris was the best instructor of any course I have attended as far as knowledge and what results you walk away with.”

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